ESL Travel Listening

This ESL travel listening page has tasks and exercises where you need to listen to spoken travel English. These will help you get better at understanding spoken English and the pronunciation of the words.

ESL travel listening exercises will help you when you need to talk about travelling.

Often when traveling you will need to speak and listen to other people. You might need to ask for directions, book a ticket or explain what you need. This means you will need to be able to listen to the other people and understand them, while also speaking in a way they can also understand. The exercises on this page will help you do that, and they are as follows:

  • Identification of spoken word order
  • Identify meaning of spoken definition
  • Listening comprehension
  • Dictation passage

If you need any help with the vocabulary you can go to the ESL travel vocabulary page where there are definitions of the words as well as a recording of them being spoken and pronounced by a native English speaker.

ESL Travel Listening Exercises

Exercise 1 – Identification of Spoken Word Order

In this ESL travel listening exercise you need to listen to the recording of groups of spoken words and decide which option (A-D) in the following questions has the words in the same order. Once you have finished click on the get score button to see your score and the correct answers.

ESL Travel Identification of Spoken Word Order

Listen to the recording of the five groups of five words each given above and decide which option (A-D) in the five questions in this test has the correct order.

1) Which is the correct order for group of words one?
        A) Coach, Ticket, Check-in, Ticket counter, Captain
        B) Ticket counter, Coach, Ticket, Captain, Check-in
        C) Coach, Ticket counter, Ticket, Captain, Check-in
        D) Captain, Coach, Ticket, Ticket counter, Check-in
2) Which is the correct order for group of words two?
        A) Crew,Child seat, Driver, Coach, Airplane
        B) Coach, Crew, Child seat, Airplane, Driver
        C) Crew, Coach, Child seat, Airplane, Driver
        D) Airplane, Crew, Child seat, Coach, Driver
3) Which is the correct order for group of words three?
        A) Pick-up truck, Cruise, Depart, Vehicle, Lorry
        B) Vehicle, Pick-up truck, Cruise, Lorry, Depart
        C) Pick-up truck, Vehicle, Cruise, Lorry, Depart
        D) Lorry, Pick-up truck, Cruise, Vehicle, Depart
4) Which is the correct order for group of words four?
        A) Platform, Unicycle, Coach, Truck, Commute
        B) Truck, Platform, Unicycle, Commute, Coach
        C) Platform, Truck, Unicycle, Commute, Coach
        D) Commute, Platform, Unicycle, Truck, Coach
5) Which is the correct order for group of words five?
        A) Customs officer, Baggage, Ticket, Platform, Fare
        B) Platform, Customs officer, Baggage, Fare, Ticket
        C) Customs officer, Platform, Baggage, Fare, Ticket
        D) Fare, Customs officer, Baggage, Platform, Ticket

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Exercise 2 – Identify Meaning of Spoken Definition

This exercise has a recording of the definitions of some words being spoken. Then in each of the 5 questions you need to decide which word (A-D) matches the spoken definition. Again, you can click the get score button to see how well you did.

ESL Travel Listening Identification of Vocabulary Meaning

Listen to the recording of the meanings of the five vocabulary words given above and decide which word out of the options (A-D) in each question matches the meaning.

1) What is the meaning of the first definition in the recording?
        A) Customs officer
        B) Ticket
        C) Customs
        D) Platform
2) What is the meaning of the second definition in the recording?
        A) Fare
        B) Car
        C) Baggage
        D) Traveller
3) What is the meaning of the third definition in the recording?
        A) Buzzer
        B) Declare
        C) Tracks
        D) Check-in
4) What is the meaning of the fourth definition in the recording?
        A) Bike chain
        B) Vehicle
        C) Truck
        D) Depart
5) What is the meaning of the fifth definition in the recording?
        A) Bus lane
        B) International
        C) Transfer
        D) Taxi stand

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Exercise 3 – Listening Comprehension

For this ESL travel listening activity you need to listen to the recording of the passage and then answer the 5 questions that follow it. You should listen to the passage first, then look at the questions before listening to the passage again while answering the questions. Click the button at the end to show your score and the correct answers.

At the end of this page there is a link to show the text of the spoken comprehension passage. This way you can check your understanding and see how much you got correct. Do the exercise first and then look at the passage afterwards.

ESL Travel Listening Comprehension

Listen to the recording of the passage about Travel above and answer the following five questions.

1) Who may pay a higher price to travel?
        A) Disabled people
        B) Students
        C) Business people
        D) Regular travellers
2) Who receives help using public transport?
        A) Business people
        B) Captain
        C) Disabled people
        D) Students
3) Why do people often use public transport?
        A) It is less crowded
        B) It is easier to use
        C) It is more affordable
        D) It is more expensive
4) Who can receive discounted travel?
        A) Elderly people and students
        B) Business people
        C) Middle-aged people
        D) Women and children
5) Why is a coach better than a bus for longer journeys?
        A) It is cheaper and more comfortable
        B) It is less busy and easier to use
        C) It is quicker and has more space
        D) It is expensive and slower

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Exercise 4 – Dictation

The task in this ESL travel listening activity is to listen to the recording of a passage and then write down what you hear. You should try to write it word for word. The recording of the dictation passage has it spoken twice: the first time at a slow speaking rate and the second with pauses after every few words and the punctuation spoken as well. Listen several times if you need to.

Again, at the end of the page there is a link for you to click to reveal the passage so you can see what it really is.

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