This site is being constantly updated and the newest ESL vocabulary topic will always be listed below so you can easily find new vocabulary to learn. Like the Excellent ESL 4U Facebook page to keep up-to-date with the newest pages on the site.
Your ESL vocabulary is the basic building block used when you speak. If you do not know the correct word in English you will not be able to have a conversation or write an essay. So one of the most important areas when learning English is to increase your vocabulary.
If you are going to use your vocabulary you need to know it inside out. This means more than just recognising a word when you see it while reading (while this is important); it means being able to remember the word and use it correctly when under pressure while having a conversation and speaking to someone or writing an essay.
All the ESL vocabulary lists on this site are recorded by a native English speaker so that you can hear the correct pronunciation. These are then made into videos using the flashcards of each vocabulary topic. Below is the newest vocabulary video on the site.
This section has many vocabulary lists, exercises and activities to help you learn English vocabulary. All of which are divided into topic areas so you can focus on the vocabulary that you need to learn for a specific area.
There are:
You should start by studying the vocabulary lists and definitions, and then use the flashcards to make sure you really know the meanings of the words. At the same time listen to the spoken vocabulary list so you will be able to recognise how the words sound and improve your own pronunciation.
Once you know the vocabulary you can do the exercises to make sure you can remember all of it. Possibly do these a few days after learning the new words to make sure you really have learnt it. You should learn the vocabulary, then revise it before finally attempting the exercises.
The flashcards that go with the newest ESL vocabulary topic added to the Excellent ESL 4U site are shown below. Just click on them or the following link to download them.
All the vocabulary on the Excellent ESL 4U site is divided into topic areas. These topic areas are listed below.
ESL Banking Vocabulary - Vocabulary you will need to know to access and open bank accounts when speaking English.
ESL Doctors Vocabulary - Vocabulary for if you need to visit a doctor or hospital when in a foreign country.
ESL Meeting Someone New Vocabulary - Vocabulary and phrases for when you first meet someone and you have a first conversation.
ESL Halloween Vocabulary - All the vocabulary you will need to know to talk about the Halloween holiday.
ESL Pets Vocabulary - Vocabulary so you can talk to people about pets.
ESL Weather Vocabulary - All the words you will need to be able to speak about the weather.
ESL Shopping Vocabulary - Words you will need to talk and write about, as well as go, shopping.
ESL Travel Vocabulary - Words to help you communicate when you have to travel.
ESL Clothes Vocabulary - Vocabulary so that you will be able to speak about clothes.
ESL Sport Vocabulary - All the vocabulary you will need to be able to talk about sports and doing sport.
ESL Legal Vocabulary - Words about the law and legal situations to help you if you ever get in trouble.
ESL Driving Vocabulary - Vocabulary about driving and using roads so you will be able to speak about this.
ESL Work Vocabulary - List and exercises to help you learn vocabulary about work.
ESL Eating Out Vocabulary - Words with descriptions related to eating out for you to learn and understand.
ESL Houses Vocabulary - List of words with definitions all about houses so you can understand the words.
ESL Taking a Trip Vocabulary - A list of vocabulary words all about taking a trip for you to learn and use.
ESL Family Members Vocabulary - A list of words related to families and family members for you to learn.
ESL Party Vocabulary - A page with a list of words all about different types of parties and attending a party.
ESL Christmas Vocabulary - An extensive word list about Christmas so you can learn all the important vocabulary.
ESL University Vocabulary - List of university vocabulary for you to learn so you can talk about universities and being a student.
ESL at the Beach Vocabulary - A page with vocabulary about at the beach so you can learn all the words you will need.
ESL Supermarket Vocabulary - There is a list of words about supermarkets on this page for you to learn and understand.
ESL Birthday Vocabulary - You can use this page to learn all the birthday vocabulary that you will need.
ESL Hotel Vocabulary - This page has lots of words about hotels so you can learn them all.
ESL Cities Vocabulary - A large list of words all about living in cities so you can learn all the vocabulary.
ESL Describing People Vocabulary - There is a list of words all about describing people on this page for you to learn.
ESL Cooking Vocabulary - Words about cooking with descriptions so you can learn how to use all the vocabulary.
ESL School Vocabulary - Words with descriptions all about school so you will know how to talk about going to school.
ESL Baby Vocabulary - You can use this page to help you learn all the words you will need to describe a baby.
ESL Politics Vocabulary - This page has a list of words all about elections and politics so you can learn them.
ESL New Year Vocabulary - There is a list of words all about the New Year on this page so you can learn the correct words to use.
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